乔安妮·米. 康罗伊, MD, has been named to the 2022 class of 现代医疗保健50位最具影响力的临床主管
的 现代医疗保健50位最具影响力的临床主管 该奖项旨在表彰医疗保健领域的个人, according to their peers and the senior editors of Modern 健康care magazine, are paving the way to better health through their executive responsibility, 领导才能, 创新, community service and achievements inside and outside of their respective organizations.
U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道:新罕布什尔州2024-2025年度最佳医院
U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道:新罕布什尔州的第一医院,并被公认为 high-performing in 11 common adult procedures and conditions:
- 主动脉瓣手术
- 结肠癌手术
- 妇科癌症手术
- 心脏病
- 心脏搭桥手术
- 心脏衰竭
- 髋关节置换手术
- 肾功能衰竭
- 白血病、淋巴瘤和骨髓瘤
- 肺癌手术
- 前列腺癌手术
此外,DHMC被命名为 公平就医最佳地区医院, which recognizes success in caring for patients in historically underserved communities.
产科和护士助产团队认可 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 2024年
DHMC在产科护理方面被评为高绩效 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 in 2024. 阅读更多.
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) ranked the highest score among Granite State hospitals by 《十大网赌平台推荐》2024年全美最佳医院 列表.
Three other 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 system member hospitals were included in the annual rankings. 爱丽丝·派克纪念医院 在黎巴嫩,新罕布什尔州; Mt. 阿斯卡尼医院和健康中心 in Windsor, VT; and 佛蒙特西南医疗中心 (SVMC) in Bennington, VT.
American Heart Association's Get With 的 Guidelines® - Stroke Gold Plus, Resuscitation Gold (Adult and Pediatric) Achievement Awards 2023
这些奖项是颁发给医疗机构的 that meet specific quality achievement measures for the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients and commitment to treating in-hospital cardiac arrest, 最终有助于提高生存率.
2022年,DHMC获得了被命名为a 综合中风中心 by 联合委员会, in collaboration with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. 作为一个综合性中风中心, 最高级别的认证, DHMC has been recognized as a hospital that has the capacity to both receive and treat complex stroke cases. 了解更多十大网赌平台推荐的中风项目.
DHMC得了"A" 跨越式医院安全等级 2022年秋季. This national distinction recognizes our achievements in protecting patients from harm and error in the hospital.
DHMC and Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics are proud to be named a 被福布斯评为全美最佳雇主. 第三届年度榜单是在调查了80家公司后编制的,000 Americans working for businesses with at least 500 employees. Employers were rated on a variety of criteria including safety of work environment, 薪酬竞争力, 晋升机会, 对远程办公持开放态度.
最近开业的 病人馆 十大网赌平台推荐健康中心的DHMC获得了 建筑环境Plus (BE+)作为2023年的目标之一 绿色建筑展示奖得奖者. 的 annual awards program is a snapshot of the leading edge in green building practices around the country. 阅读更多.
十大网赌平台推荐卫生 physicians honored as "Top Doctors" in New Hampshire
2024年2月, two hundred and eighteen of the 248 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 physicians 在58个儿科和成人专业中 新罕布什尔杂志 “顶级医生”调查对患者的护理 Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics.
DHMC在2021年医疗类别中获得金奖 新罕布什尔州工会领袖 读者选择奖
DHMC was recognized as the best for Pediatric Hospital, Doctor's Office and Dermatologist by 新罕布什尔州工会领袖 读者.
IAC超声心动图 recognizes DHMC's Heart and Vascular Department for 25 years of excellence in quality patient care.
DHMC designated as 卓越中心 by Parkinson’s Foundation
DHMC has been designated by the Parkinson’s Foundation as a Parkinson’s Foundation 卓越中心, one of just 47 Centers of Excellence around the world and 37 nationwide, 也是新英格兰北部唯一的一家. 基金会强调DHMC以人为本, 全面和综合的护理方法, education and research; exceptional communication and collaboration with the team, 外部供应商, patients and families; a state-of-the-art neurosurgery facility; and the Dartmouth Centers for 健康 & 老龄资源中心.
2022年3月, DHMC was re-accredited as a Level 1 Trauma Center and a Level 2 Pediatric Trauma Center by the 美国外科医师学会 (ACS).
Nation’s only rural Level 1 Geriatric Emergency Department designated at DHMC
的 Geriatric Emergency Department at DHMC has earned Level 1 accreditation from the 美国急诊医师学会, making the medical center the only rural academic medical center in the United States to earn Level 1 accreditation and one of only 14 hospitals nationwide to hold the distinction.
DHMC among top hospitals for avoiding overuse by Lown Institute Hospitals Index
DHMC包含在 Lown Institute Hospitals Index’s top 10 列表 of hospitals avoiding overuse. DHMC currently holds the number 8 spot in the top 10 列表 and was in the top 3 on Lown Institute’s 列表 of teaching hospitals at avoiding overuse.
Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital awarded 4-star rating on “Hospital Compare” 列表
Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital has been awarded a 4-star rating on 医疗保险.gov的“医院比较”列表.
的 病人安全运动基金会 presented DHMC with its 5-Star Hospital award for making commitments in alignment with the 病人安全运动基金会’s evidence-based Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS). 的 APSS address daily patient safety challenges that hospitals face daily and offer solutions designed to help eliminate preventable patient deaths.
DHMC has been recognized as a Baby-Friendly® birth facility by 美国爱婴公司.,这是一个由 世界卫生组织 (世卫组织)和 联合国儿童基金会 (联合国儿童基金会).
Men's 健康 Center designated as the first 卓越中心 for GreenLight™激光治疗
DHMC的男性健康中心, 由迈克尔·格兰特共同指导, MD, has been designated as the first 卓越中心 in the United States for GreenLight™激光治疗, a minimally invasive outpatient procedure for men looking to treat their benign prostatic hyperplasia.